Build an Effector#

This tutorial goes over the Effector class. First, it illustrates how to build a custom effector from scratch using the available Effector base class. Then, we go over a pre-built subclass of Plant, which also illustrates how to build an Effector object that does not abide by the geometry calculation method of the original class. Finally, we look at numerical integration and the associated parameters we can choose to configure it. In MotorNet, numerical integration is fully handled at the Effector level.

Structure of the tutorial

I. Build a basic effector with muscle wrappings
II. A more complex effector system: arm210

1. Building the effector

2. Visualizing moment arms

3. Visualizing muscle lengths

III. Using a pre-built Effector subclass

1. Moment arms and muscle lengths

2. Example of drift from passive forces in Hill-type muscles

IV. Numerical integration